Acquire practical skills in electronics through Bliksem’s Electrono Modular Electronic kits!

Electrono Lite

Electrono Academic

ElectrArduino Bridge


Electrono kits are modular, that has inter-connectable basic modules and components, to create circuits of gadgets oƯering flexibility and adaptability.

Ease of use​

Electrono allows users to create electronic circuits and prototypes in a "smart and easy way," highlighting the user-friendly nature of the kit, suitable for students and hobbyists.

Hands-on Activities

Bliksem Tech's Electrono kits are designed for hands-on activities, providing a practical and interactive approach for students and hobbyists to gain confidence with electronics hardware.


The kits are suitable for making prototypes of "everyday gadgets, test, modify, and reuse many times," allowing users to explore various electronic projects.

Biksem Home
Unlock Hands-On Expertise with Bliksem's Modular Electronic Kits!

Welcome to Bliksem Tech®.

Explore the world of Electrono, a user-friendly modular kit designed for crafting electronic circuits and prototypes with ease.

Bliksem Tech’s Electrono kits are ideal for students and hobbyists seeking to build confidence in electronics hardware through engaging hands-on activities. Enable yourself to create everyday gadgets, conduct tests, make modifications, and enjoy the flexibility of reuse.

Embark on a gratifying journey of skill acquisition with Bliksem’s innovative Electronic kits!

Our Products

Through Electrono© Kit, our goal is to offer a hands-on experience in both 
hardware and embedded software aspects of electronics through our innovative kits.

Electrono Lite

Starter prototyping platform that can be upgraded to higher level.

Electrono Academic

Over 30 modules that include Opamp, Logic gates, DVM, relays and 7 seg display.

Addon modules

The same standard interface to help test new ideas.

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